A number of unique glass towers have sprung up in London over the past decade. Conveniently, the Brits have given them appropriate nicknames based on their shapes: the Shard, the Gherkin, and the Walkie-Talkie.
At the top of the Walkie-Talkie (formally known as 20 Fenchurch) there is an impressive viewing area called the Sky Garden. It contains multiple levels of tropical gardens that wrap all the way around the building, providing great views of London from the 35th floor.

Though visiting is free, we were required to book timed tickets three weeks in advance and pass through airport-style security to get into the elevators.

The views are mezmorizing, and as a tourist it’s fun to get your bearings by picking out those places around the city you’ve visited, or hope to visit. The gardens themselves are very peaceful and green, and there’s even a café on site for those who want to linger a little longer.
We took a selfie at the the top of the Walkie-Talkie, with the Shard in the background. This is a sentence that definitely makes sense only in London.