Seville has no shortage of beautiful and photogenic sites. The Palacio de las Dueñas, tucked away in a residential neighbourhood not far from our apartment, is one of those.
This complex is much smaller in scale than the vast Alcázar we explored on the weekend, but it shares a similar aesthetic with intricate Mudéjar architecture, arched patios, and lush gardens of fountains and citrus trees.
The palace was built in the early 15th century as a residence for Spanish royalty. Though it is still home to the Duke of Alba, many of the buildings have been opened to the public as a museum with an admission of €8.

We appreciated how calm and quiet it was in contrast to the larger tourist attractions in Seville. This allowed us to wander at our own leisurely pace, with only a few birds to get in the way of our cameras.
In the Patio de los Limones we spotted what appeared to be orange, lemon and grapefruit trees.

If you point your camera in a random direction and click the shutter, you’ll probably get a decent photo out of it.
On the streets just outside los palacio, the artwork is a little different.